Dato: 4. juni 2022 

Sted: Online hjemmeeksamen 

Søknadsfrist:  18. mai 2022

Send oss påmelding til post@interstudium.no  

Opptaksprøven består av multiple choice test i kjemi og biologi - på engelsk - 40 spørsmål fra hvert av fagene. Prøven varer 80 minutter. Prøven kan du ta bare 1 gang per år og du  kan velge mellom 3 ulike datoer i juni, juli og august.

Hjelpemidler - ingen hjelpemidler er tillatt. Husk å gyldig ID-kort/pass tilgjengelig

Prøven er gratis og du mottar resultater innen én uke etter prøven. De som klarer opptaksprøven får endelig akseptbrev fra universitetet samt nødvendig dokumentasjon til Statens lånekasse etter at hele opptaksprosessen er avsluttet. Har du spørsmål, ta gjerne kontakt på post@interstudium.no. 

Søknadsfrist - det betyr at du må ha komplett elektronisk søknad registret i universitetets database og være påmeldt på vår nettside med alle obligatorsiek vedlegg.  


  • vitnemål som viser at du har generell studiekompetanse 
  • bestått opptaksprøve
  • bortsett fra gode engelskkunnskaper ingen andre spesifike krav (snitt, realfag)

 Studiestart september 2022, les nøye gjennom informasjonen på engelsk: 

Information about the online admission test

Dear applicant of the General Medicine study program at JFMED in Martin, Slovakia

Following your application to study medicine at our Faculty, we invite you to sit the admission test on June 4, 2022 at 10AM CEST (UTC + 2)

You will sit the test remotely at your home using your PC. The test will be hosted by a company called SCIO and will be held in the video proctored test environment - https://app.sciolink.cz/user/login.

The Faculty will provide SCIO with your necessary personal and contact details, so that they can correctly identify you and allocate your test results.

If you are unable to sit the admission test on June 4, please notify us as soon as possible.

You can find all-important information about the online test, the test rules and regulations, and technical requirements https://www.scio.sk/skolam/vysoke-skoly/jfmed-en.asp

Before the exam date

You will have the opportunity to experience and check out the exam environment before the actual test day. The process is called onboarding and by using the email address, you submitted in your e-application, you will be able to create an online ScioLink account that will give you access into the online testing enviroment: https://app.sciolink.cz/user/sendpassword . Here, you will be able to find important messages about the actual exam and the exam date and will be able to sit a mock (sample) test. The testing environment will be accessible from 26th May until 3rd June. To be able to fully experience onboarding and to appreciate the functionalities of the system, we recommend that you allow at least four days for getting to know the whole process, the testing platform and to address any technical questions you might have. If you experience any technical issues or have any questions, please contact Scio directly at scio@scio.cz.

Please ensure that you trial the oboarding experience as soon as you create your ScioLink account and don´t leave it until the last moment. If you report any technical issues fewer than four days before the exam, Scio cannot guarantee you a full technical support.      

Note! You will be able to create your ScioLink account from 26th May.

On the day of the exam

To access the live test environment, you will use the ScioLink account you have created for the testing environment. You will only be able to launch the exam at the designated time specified in the instructions. The exam times are published in CEST (GMT+2) so please check the time zone of the country from which you will be accessing the test.

Note! Once you have launched the test, please remain in it and do not launch it multiple times. Having multiple screens with the test open can interfere with the testing system and cause a number of technical issues with recording of your test. If you experience any technical issues during the test, please call +420 234 705 555.

The admission test

The actual test is made up of 80 multiple-choice questions from Biology and Chemistry, and you will have 80 minutes to answer them. There is only one correct answer for each question, and you get one point for each correct answer. To submit the test, click the “Finish” button at the last question at any time during the test. Do not just close the browser if you wish to submit the test at an earlier point. If you run out of time, your test will be submitted automatically.

The Faculty admits students with the best score. Being accepted on the programme depends on the total points you score on the test and the total number of applicants applying. The maximum amount you can score is 80 points. The maximum number of students we can accept is 150.

Getting your test results

Within 48 hours of taking your test, you will be able to check your  preliminary results (score) via your ScioLink account. The results (including information about invalid/failed test attempts) will be published on the website – https://www.jfmed.uniba.sk/en/study/applicants/application-process/preparing-for-your-admission-exam/ - this usually takes around seven days from the exam date.

The test results will also need to be ratified by the JFMED Admission Committee. Once this process has been completed, we will email you and post you an official letter advising you on your admission status.

To guarantee incontestability of results and their comparability, strict rules apply to the exam - https://www.scio.cz/skolam/vysoke-skoly/jfmed-en/online-exam-rules.asp Please read them carefully and make sure to familiarize yourself with them. Any violation will cause that the online exam be evaluated as invalid.